Hair Care Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Hair Care Benefits of Black Seed Oil

What is black seed oil? Black seed oil, also known as Nigella Sativa, is a type of cooking and medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in the Middle East. In recent years, it has become popular around the world for its ability to promote hair growth.

Black seed oil has been used to help cure everything from cold sores, warts and even cancer. However, many people are unaware of the hair care benefits it offers. It is commonly mixed with other oils such as coconut and olive oil in order to make a homemade black scalp treatment. This particular mixture stimulates both the roots and shafts of the hair, which can help it to grow back thicker and shinier.

Black seed oil contains many natural compounds that promote healthy growth of cells throughout your body; including those present in your scalp. It is rich with fatty acids such as Omega-three, six and nine, all of which are needed for maintaining a strong foundation within each strand of hair. This is why it has been used for hundreds of years in cooking, as a way to improve the health and strength of one's locks. Black seed oil provides your body with natural nutrients that can help maintain a healthy scalp balance throughout all stages of hair growth.

Black seed oil benefits include: - Promoting Hair Growth - Preventing Split Ends - Preventing Hair Loss

Black seed oil has been used for centuries in ancient medicines and cosmetics, to help cure a variety of ailments. This 2016 study looked at the properties black seeds contain: antibacterial; anti-fungal; antioxidant - which means they fight against free radicals that could cause aging skin cells damage


A 2014 study indicated that coconut oil and black seed are both effective enough in promoting hair growth to justify further research.

Also, a 2017 study indicated that an herbal hair oil containing Nigella sativa resulted in hair fallout reduction of up to 76 percent.

Telogen effluvium is a condition characterized by the temporary shedding or thinning of hair. A 2013 study showed significant improvement when treated with lotion containing 0.5% black seed oil in it, leading researchers to believe that this would be an effective treatment option for many women who suffer from these symptoms!

Black Seed Oil Benefits for Your Hair: Black Seed Oil Benefits For Healthy Scalp & Shiny Locks